Artist Statement
By anthropomorphizing animals and placing them in vulnerable or human-like positions, I encourage a connection between viewers and subject. Through suspending the subject in moments of tension, I subtly push feelings of discomfort, apathy, aggression, or fear on the viewer. Encouraging them to question the level of understanding possessed by animals and their potential role in society.
As our society progresses so does our relationship with animals. Due to industrialization, factory farming, and massive monocultures, our connections with animals, natural environments, and food sources have diminished. My interest lies in the roles played by animals, which are increasingly overlooked and mistreated. My intent is to encourage a reconnection between people and animals and foster a sense of social responsibility.
Gallery Representation
Quirky Fox
Q Artists Cooperative
By Hand Gallery
All of these galleries carry my work and are happy to help you purchase something.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you taking personal commissions?
Sometimes! I do turn down the majority of requests due to a busy schedule but I really enjoy working with people on commission projects. Please reach out if you are interested.
Do you sell prints?
No not currently. At some point, this may be the case but as of now, I am not producing editioned prints.
What materials do you use?
Anything and everything, but usually I work with a cheap pencil often found from the sidewalk and Sumi ink. For letterpress, I have a personal collection of wood type and a Challenge proofing press. I am also fortunate enough to manage the Indiana University Bloomington letterpress collection and presses.
Why letterpress?
The short answer is I love anything old and obsolete. I get a great deal of satisfaction from repairing broken equipment and keeping things working as intended.
How can we connect?
Instagram is always good, or through the contact form above. I really enjoy connecting with people and other artists, please reach out it always makes my day.
Who are your favorite artists?
This is an easy question, some are my close buddies, a few people who continue to blow my mind with their work, and most are both. Take a moment to look at all of these artists.
Brien Beidler
Brad Vetter
Ben Blunt
Beth Cavener
Zoe Keller
Christina Mrozik
Pat Perry
Interviews with Alexander Landerman
Interview with Hello Print Friends Podcast (formerly Pine Copper Lime) Episode 94 Alexander Lee Landerman (audio)
Presentation at the Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum Hamilton Hang: Alexander Lee Landerman (video)
Interview with Beautiful Bizarre Magazine (article)